Wednesday, September 3, 2008

3 days into September

I am waiting to hear about a potential job transfer. I have been waiting since July. My 'career' as a unit clerk is gettting way too old for me. I go into work with intentions of being content in whatever happens...but when I step through the door, my buttons are pushed as I glance around at the chaos, disoragnization, bustling staff...I like who I work with, but I am over nights & the work. Fatigued with following someone. I desire open & close-my mess to contend with. So I wait to hear about this transfer. I jogged today maybe 6 miles. That was all that I had in me. I was tired. I need to lose about 10 pounds. That would be great. It may take months to do this. Kevin left me a sweet note on my car when I was at the gym. He is just great. I remember this shot from our 1st Bonnaroo (2 weeks into dating)...I do believe that we were @ Radiohead.

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