Monday, September 1, 2008

Long time, No Write

It is Labor Day. It is the morning that Hurricane Gustav is slapping the Gulf coast. After 2 quiet years, the hurricane waters have begun stirring. India is experiencing flooding. China quivered with another earthquake on the same fault line. The weather reminds me that life is unpredictable. In the humdrum of daily activity, reality keeps twisting & turning. Kevin & I have been married for 9 months. I have been the night owl on the night shift for the same time. My body has changed as 10 pounds have been added because my exercising comes in waves, but my eating remains steady & excessive at times. Change. If I could I would. That's what I believe...if I would I could change. But I can. But when? So take it day by day. What did I hear a few days ago? There would be no mountains if there were no valleys.

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